How To Make Your Own Pressure Washer Detergent?

Are you tired of spending a fortune on pressure washer detergents that are laden with harsh chemicals and don’t even do the job properly? Well, why not make your own homemade pressure washer detergent that is cost-effective, eco-friendly and customizable according to your needs? In this blog post, we will guide you through simple yet effective recipes for making homemade pressure washer soap for concrete, wood, windows and cars. Not only will this save you money but also keep allergies at bay while being transparent about the ingredients used. So let’s get started!

How to make homemade pressure washer detergent for concrete

To make your own pressure washer detergent for concrete, you will need a few simple ingredients that are readily available. Firstly, combine one cup of baking soda and one cup of washing soda in a large mixing bowl. These two ingredients act as natural cleaners and help dissolve dirt and grime from the concrete surface.

Next, add half a cup of liquid dish soap to the mixture. This helps break down any stubborn stains on the surface. To give it an extra boost, add half a cup of white vinegar which acts as a degreaser and eliminates any unwanted odors.

Pour four gallons of water into a large bucket or container and mix in the homemade detergent mixture until fully dissolved. Your DIY pressure washer detergent for concrete is now ready to use! Simply fill up your pressure washer’s soap dispenser with this solution and start cleaning away all those unsightly stains on your driveway or patio.

Using this eco-friendly cleaner not only saves money but also ensures that there are no harmful chemicals leaching into the ground while being gentle on your surfaces too!

How to make homemade pressure washer detergent for wood

If you’re looking to clean your wooden surfaces, homemade pressure washer detergent can do the job effectively. Wood is a delicate material that requires gentle but thorough cleaning, and commercial detergents may contain harsh chemicals that could damage or discolor the wood.

To make a homemade pressure washer detergent for wood, mix 1 gallon of warm water with ½ cup of Borax and ¼ cup of vinegar. Borax is an all-purpose cleaner that can remove dirt and stains from wood while vinegar acts as a natural disinfectant.

Apply the mixture onto your wooden surface using a soft-bristled brush or sponge. Let it sit for about five minutes before rinsing it off with plain water. Avoid using high-pressure settings on your pressure washer as they could strip away the protective layer on your wood.

For tougher stains, you can substitute Borax with washing soda or baking soda mixed in warm water. These ingredients are also safe to use on wood and will not cause any harm if used correctly.

By making your own detergent, you have control over what goes into it and ensure that no harmful chemicals are present in the solution which could damage both your health and environment!

How to make homemade pressure washer soap for windows

When it comes to cleaning windows with a pressure washer, using the right detergent is crucial. Luckily, making your own homemade pressure washer soap for windows is easy and cost-effective.

To start, you’ll need a few simple ingredients: white vinegar, dish soap, and water. Mix together equal parts of each in a large container or bucket.

Next, transfer the mixture into your pressure washer’s detergent tank. It’s important to note that not all pressure washers have built-in tanks for detergents, so you may need to use an external dispenser or apply the solution manually.

Before starting to clean your windows with the homemade detergent solution, be sure to test it on a small area first. This will help ensure that there are no negative effects on your windows such as streaking or discoloration.

Once you’ve tested the solution and confirmed it won’t cause damage, begin cleaning by applying the mixture onto the window surface evenly using low-pressure settings on your machine. Work in sections from top to bottom and rinse thoroughly after each section is complete.

By making your own homemade pressure washer soap for windows using natural ingredients like vinegar and dish soap instead of harsh chemicals found in store-bought products can save money while being eco-friendly as well!

How to make homemade pressure washer detergent for car

Cleaning your car with a pressure washer can save you time and effort. However, using the wrong detergent can damage the paint job or leave streaks. Making your own homemade pressure washer detergent for cars is both cost-effective and safe.

Firstly, gather the necessary ingredients: 1 cup of liquid dish soap, ½ cup of baking soda, and warm water in a large bucket. Mix them well until they form a thick paste.

Secondly, add warm water to dilute the mixture. You should use around four gallons of water for every one gallon of concentrate.

Thirdly, transfer the solution into a suitable container that fits in your pressure washer’s detergent tank.

Apply the detergent onto your car’s surface using low-pressure settings on your pressure washer to avoid damaging it. Let it sit for five minutes before rinsing off with high-pressure settings on your machine.

Making homemade pressure washer detergent for cars not only saves you money but also ensures that no harmful chemicals are used during cleaning.

Why Should You Make Your Homemade Pressure Washer Soap?

Making your own homemade pressure washer soap can be a great idea for several reasons. One of the primary reasons is cost-effectiveness. Homemade detergent recipes are cheap and require just a few ingredients that may already be present in your pantry, unlike store-bought detergents.

Another reason for making your own pressure washer soap is to avoid allergies caused by harsh chemicals used in commercial cleaners. Some people have sensitive skin or respiratory issues that react negatively to certain chemicals found in traditional cleaning solutions.

Moreover, homemade soaps are eco-friendly since they don’t contain any harmful chemicals and hence do not harm the environment upon disposal. This makes them ideal for those who want to reduce their carbon footprint while still maintaining clean surfaces.

Making your own pressure washer detergent allows you to have complete control over what goes into it, ensuring transparency about its contents. You won’t need to worry about hidden toxins or dangerous substances as you know exactly what’s going into it.

There are many benefits associated with making your own homemade pressure washer soap ranging from cost savings and environmental friendliness all the way through allergy prevention measures and full transparency of content- which make it worth considering!


One of the main reasons why people choose to make their own pressure washer detergent is cost. Buying commercial products can quickly add up and become expensive, especially if you use your pressure washer frequently.

By making your own detergent, you have complete control over the ingredients and can tailor it to your specific needs without breaking the bank. Plus, many of the ingredients needed for homemade pressure washer soap are common household items that you may already have on hand.

Another advantage of making your own detergent is that you can adjust the recipe as needed based on how much cleaning power you require. This means that if one particular cleaning job requires a stronger solution, you can easily modify your recipe accordingly without spending more money on a different product.

Furthermore, when buying commercial detergents, it’s not always clear what exactly is in them or how they were produced. Making homemade pressure washer soap allows you to know exactly what goes into each batch and ensures transparency with regard to safety concerns or potential irritants.

By taking into consideration cost savings along with other benefits such as transparency and eco-friendliness, there are plenty of good reasons why making your own pressure washer detergent is worth exploring further.


One of the advantages of making your own pressure washer detergent is that you can control what goes into it, which is particularly important for people with allergies. Commercial detergents often contain harsh chemicals and fragrances that can trigger allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.

By making your own detergent using natural ingredients, you can avoid these allergens and create a product that is safe for everyone to use. For example, if you’re allergic to certain essential oils or fragrances, you can simply leave them out of your recipe.

Another benefit of homemade pressure washer soap is that it allows you to customize the formula based on your specific needs. If you have allergies but also need a powerful cleaner for tough stains on concrete surfaces, you can make a mild detergent using baking soda and vinegar instead of opting for a commercial product containing harsh chemicals.

Making your own pressure washer detergent gives you more control over what goes into the cleaning solution and helps ensure that it’s safe and effective for everyone who uses it.


Eco-friendliness is becoming an increasingly important factor in our everyday lives. Making your own pressure washer detergent not only saves you money but also helps reduce the impact on the environment. By using natural ingredients, you can make a powerful cleaning solution that won’t harm plants or animals.

Many store-bought detergents contain harsh chemicals like phosphates and bleach, which are harmful to aquatic life and contribute to water pollution. Homemade detergents often use biodegradable ingredients such as vinegar, baking soda, and borax, making them more environmentally friendly.

In addition to being eco-friendly, homemade pressure washer detergents are often safer for humans too. Many commercial cleaners contain allergens that can cause skin irritation or respiratory problems. With homemade solutions made from natural ingredients free of toxic chemicals, you can avoid these risks altogether.

Switching to a homemade pressure washing detergent is a small step towards reducing your carbon footprint while still achieving great cleaning results. It’s all about taking responsibility for the impact we have on our planet – even if it means starting with something as simple as soap!


When it comes to buying cleaning products, it can be difficult to know what exactly is in them. Many commercial pressure washer detergents contain a long list of chemicals that are not disclosed on the label. This lack of transparency can be concerning for those who want to make informed decisions about the products they use in their home and around their family.

By making your own homemade pressure washer detergent, you have complete control over what goes into it and can ensure full transparency. You know exactly what ingredients are going into your soap, which gives you peace of mind when using it on surfaces where people or pets come into contact with.

Transparency also means being able to adjust the concentration of your detergent as needed based on the job at hand. For example, if you need a stronger cleaner for concrete or tough stains, you can add more ingredients accordingly.

Having transparency in your cleaning products allows you to make informed choices that align with your values and concerns about safety and environmental impact. Making your own homemade pressure washer detergent is one way to achieve this level of transparency and control over what goes into the products you use daily.


Making your own homemade pressure washer detergent can be a cost-effective, eco-friendly, and transparent way to keep your surfaces clean. With simple ingredients like baking soda, dish soap, and vinegar, you can customize your cleaning solution for different surfaces such as concrete, wood, windows or cars.

Not only does it save you money on buying expensive detergents but it also helps reduce the use of harmful chemicals that may harm both the environment and people with allergies. Plus, by knowing exactly what goes into your cleaning solution you can have peace of mind about its safety.

So why not try making your own homemade pressure washer detergent today? Your wallet – and the planet – will thank you!


  • Lucas

    Hi I am, a passionate and self-sufficient ‘USA’ resident who never depends on others to clean cars, other vehicles, decks, patios, driveways, sidewalks, and the exterior of my house. When I’m not busy always love to research new techniques to improve my cleaning skills and spend time maintaining pressure washers to keep them in top condition.

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